Find 'kos' by travelling slow

Since moving to Norway from the UK in 2016, I have truly learned to appreciate Norway is the land of 'kos' - a truly special, yet intangible concept.

I hope and trust these journeys and articles will inspire you with ideas for your own personal journey to discover 'kos', and when you do; embrace it with everything you've got.

Danny Dodd

Travel Curator

June 29th, 2021

Finding ‘Kos’: Why travelling slow is exactly what we need right now

Danny Dodd

Travel Curator

September 2nd, 2021

Professional 'Kos': On a holiday made by a travel curator

Gunnar Garfors

Globetrotter, journalist and author

Do you have questions about our itineraries? Here are some of the ones we get asked most often.

Anja Mobæk

Travel Manager
Hi there, I'm Anja and I'm a Travel Manager here at Up Norway. Let me know if I can help answer some questions.