Up Norway's Impact

We’d like to share a bit of insight into our company ethos

In our view, being socially and environmentally responsible is not a side effect, but a non-negotiable principle that shapes the whole business. That is why all our journeys are designed not only to give you a thrill, but also to have a net positive impact on society and nature.

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Our Impact

Our team is made up of young global citizens who believe that running a profitable enterprise can go hand in hand with taking care of people and treating the planet right. Our business is defined by the integration of social, ecological and economic responsibility. All our journeys are designed to not only create the best experiences for the travellers but to have a net-positive impact on our society and environment. This takes thorough research, creativity and expertise in environmental impact with an ability to keep learning how to create sustainable and coherent systems that are inherently ecological.

Dive In


We believe in full transparency. We include specific details about where every euro/dollar is spent. Our sustainability certifications ensure our standard operating procedures are far above industry guidelines.

We believe there’s a new generation of businesses launching and flourishing all over the globe; using economic profitability to create solutions for our world’s problems. For those whose curiosity is piqued by this kind of information, we’ve included even more details about our nourishing impact on our employees, our partners, our country, our planet – and our clients.

Questions? We’d be happy to answer them! Get in touch at sustainability@upnorway.com

Torunn & The Up Norway Team

Our Mission


When creating our client’s journeys, we aim to ensure that our impact on the environment, on the humans we call colleagues, partners, and guests, as well as our economic impact on the towns and businesses we employ, is as positive and nourishing as possible. Our mission is to enrich both our travellers’ and our partners’ lives, we mean to do this through curating journeys in Norway, where authenticity, quality and sustainability are key drivers. There’s so much to share.

Responsible Behaviour Can Lead to Happiness

We think we have some proof. For the previous decade, Norway has ranked among the top countries on the World Happiness Index. To understand why our Nordic countries are among the happiest in the world, we’d like to present journeys and experiences that capture their authentic sense of harmony with nature, commitment to ethical values, care for others, and a highly-regarded sense and appreciation of aesthetics, both material and natural.

Learn more: Why sustainability makes you happy

Norwegian culture has an intrinsic connection to nature

With Norway’s intrinsic connection between nature and culture, we have created some of the world’s most ardent explorers and roots in the deepest ecological philosophy and strategies for environmental sustainability. That is prevalent in design, architecture and the culture of Norwegian society. We wish for our clients to taste just that.


Economic Nutrition

The economy is nutrition. Hence, Shorefast, a registered Canadian charity with the mandate to help secure a resilient future for Fogo Island, developed the ECONOMIC NUTRITION label, as it aimed to promote the sustainable and socially responsible quality of visiting a small island off the coast of Newfoundland. We were so delighted with the idea, that we’ve adapted it to our own code of transparency. Just as consumers turn to nutritional labelling on the foods and beverages they purchase, our “Economic Codes” help our visitors to make conscious and informed decisions about their travel choices. Our transparent value chain displays how our client’s money is distributed when they pay for an Up Norway journey.

Economic Nutrition

72% approximately of a client’s dollar goes directly to our partners

Our handpicked partners and vendors, quality assured providers of accommodation, activities, meal experiences and transportation, receive the lion’s share of our fees.

Our Sustainability Policy

To raise the sustainability standard among our stakeholders, we have defined 5 leading principles as a baseline for our policy and as drivers for a value-added journey. Led by these guiding principles, we have also implemented an internal sustainability policy as part of our daily routines.

Our Sustainability Policy

1. Sustainable Choices Considered

If sustainability is different in the Nordics than the rest of the world, it’s because the Nordic lifestyle is in harmony with nature. How do we do it? We’d like to show you.

Sustainability Certification

Becoming sustainable is not an end goal, but a never-ending process. We are always reviewing our policies and making changes as new information or new options appear. We are very proud to be B Corp Certified, a recognition of our long-term sustainability efforts and our corporate social responsibility leadership.

B Corp™ verifies businesses social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose, and we are proud to be a part of the change in our industry. As a B Corp in the travel industry, we're counted among businesses that together are leading a global movement for an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy.

Maximum Experience – Minimal Impact

When travelling on an Up Norway journey, you can rest assured that your CO2 impact will be offset. Why are we doing this?

Travelling with Up Norway

What benefits do I get as an Up Norway traveller?

Our local expertise, sustainable approach, digital itineraries and passion for Norway provide a journey like no other. By delivering a new era of experiences we provide travellers with a desired escape from everyday life.

We have built a system for understanding what each of our travellers wants. We use technology to enhance our personalised service, not to replace it. We save you from frustrating internet searches and travel logistics.
