Our Sustainability Policy

Experiencing sustainability in action, as it is here in Norway, might be seen as its own idea of Luxury.

Up Norway’s mission is to enrich our travellers’ and partners’ lives by curating journeys through Norway where authenticity, quality, and sustainability are the key drivers. To raise the sustainability standard among our stakeholders, we have defined 5 leading principles as a baseline for our policies, and as drivers for value-added to every journey.

1. Sustainable Choices Considered

If Sustainability is different in the Nordics than in the rest of the world, it’s because the Nordic lifestyle is in harmony with nature. How do we do it? We’d like to show you.

There’s more than enough data to suggest that when people travel they’re more open to new ideas, new ways of thinking, and being inspired. Through the many choices we offer, from sustainable but comfortable and reliable transportation to outstanding cuisine, and accommodations that might be historical, traditional, or ground-breaking (but all very special), we aim to ensure that our guests are exposed to the very best Norway has to offer. As they enjoy their stay, the benefits of this very special lifestyle – on our communities, our planet, and our guests, are abundantly clear.

In our agreements, our partners are asked to document three important initiatives in their work toward Sustainable Development Goals. Their initiatives include environmental certifications, such as Eco-Lighthouse and Certified Sustainable Destinations. Many of our partners own small businesses, many are drivers of prosperity in their local communities.


2. Impact Minimised

Our guests contribute to regenerating our natural environment in many ways. Not only do we climate-compensate the carbon footprint created by each journey, but we also rebuild whatever we’ve affected, toward a more positive future. Through our collaboration with the ambitious Norwegian startup, Chooose, we measure, monitor and compensate carbon emissions. We work with the best conveyors of our rich cultural heritage to communicate the importance of conserving the past for future generations. Most of the meals served on our journeys can be traced from sea, earth, or forest directly to the table. Our dedication to both the freshness and the low carbon impact derived from locally produced, sourced, and short-travelled food and drinks, guides our outstanding food choices.


3. Quality Assured

Our guests find their destinations have always been tried and tested by our extended and discerning team. We also join collaborative initiatives with partners to drive sustainability, such as our 2020-project to create Norway’s Most Sustainable Journey.

For us, quality means offering authentic Norwegian experiences; welcoming and skilled hosts, outstanding food and drink, and immersive concepts with a high standard of both facilities and service. Our goal is to inspire our travellers to always choose quality over quantity in everything they do. The journeys we create make that choice in travel both easy and wonderful.


4. Health & Safety First

It should go without saying that our guests’ safety and well-being are paramount. Our partners are expected to adhere to comprehensive guidelines for the health of their staff, and the cleaning and maintenance of their facilities and equipment. Our partner agreements ensure that no unlawful financial or employment practices are engaged or used. We also communicate our zero-tolerance for any level of harassment, unfair treatment, or discrimination of any kind.

Our nature guide partners can document compliance with safety standards ranging from contingency plans to local knowledge about both the terrain and more immediate conditions and weather. They have a superior level of experience in outdoor training, and their language skills are strong. Our guide partners are able to document an Approved Instructor Course in fields that require special competence. We provide transparent terms & conditions, cancel-for-any-reason insurance, and reasonable and predictable payment and cancellation rules. Both travellers and partners can reach us on a 24/7 emergency line.


5. Culture

The UN Sustainability goal we hold closest to heart is 11.4: 'Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage'. Through the experiences we co-create with our partners, we strive to keep our cultural heritage alive.

Venture on a journey themed around sustainability

A journey along The Discovery Route can be tailored to you; for adventurous couples or groups of friends; for families with children; as a curated road trip or a private driver guide trip.

Check out our recommended route designed in collaboration with sustainability experts Ina Vikøren and Juliet Kinsman. Another great option for those seeking a green adventure, is our Arctic Circle Express train-journey.

Torunn Tronsvang
