Introducing Polestar, an electric performance brand, determined to improve the society we live in.

Kristin Fjeld


'Up Norway is opening new horizons for travelers while focusing on creating better practices in ecotourism and responsible social impact, while Polestar is working to accelerate the shift to sustainable mobility. In Polestar we constantly find inspiration in other change makers and team up with other that are a uncompromising to their values.'


Kristin Fjeld


'Up Norway is opening new horizons for travelers while focusing on creating better practices in ecotourism and responsible social impact, while Polestar is working to accelerate the shift to sustainable mobility. In Polestar we constantly find inspiration in other change makers and team up with other that are a uncompromising to their values.'

The Sky is the Limit!


When Up Norway guest Peter told us his dream was to venture on a curated road trip through Norway in a Polestar Electric Vehicle, we paired Up with the Polestar Norway team to make his dream come true.

We discovered that Polestar and Up Norway's visions overlap and that we share the same logo symbol, namely the North Star. The North Star has guided travellers on the Northern Hemisphere throughout history. As a symbol of guidance, it is a fitting metaphor for a company that aims to act as the forerunner, a guiding star. In Swedish, the North Star, or Polaris, is referred to as Polstjärnan. The literal translation means “Pole Star”. The metaphor "Pole Position" still sits at the core of the Polestar mindset. It represents both the heritage and the ambition to push boundaries with our pure, progressive, performance cars.


Why we admire Polestar

Polestar is determined to improve the society we live in; using design, innovation and technology to accelerate the shift to sustainable, electric mobility. Examples of steps they have taken so far include a project to create a truly climate-neutral car that leaves the factory gates with a zero-carbon footprint by 2030 (the Polestar 0-project), their work to build better batteries by exploring how to improve repair, refurbishment, and repurposing the battery, and ensuring responsible sourcing by e.g using blockchain technology to trace risk minerals and promote an ethical and transparent supply chain.

A typical Polestar owner shares common traits with many Up Norway travellers; a modern mindset, a determined search for the best experience and curiosity for key elements behind the brand. They are passionate about good design and the latest innovation, and at the same time as they are conscious of the sustainable impact of their buying decisions.


Get Inspired!

Check out the Polestar website to see the latest news and innovations. Or contact us if you are interested in driving a Polestar electric vehicle on your curated Up Norway road trip.

Venture on a Curated Roadtrip

In collaboration with sustainability experts Ina Vikøren and Juliet Kinsman we have tailored a diverse journey on The Discovery Route - the perfect roadtrip for adventure seekers and nature lovers.

One of my personal favourite areas to travel by car is in the rugged areas of Varanger, far above the Arctic Circle. Our 'World's Northernmost Roadtrip' itinerary is certainly a drive that changes perspectives.

Torunn Tronsvang
