
June 29th, 2021

Finding ‘Kos’: Why travelling slow is exactly what we need right now

June 29th, 2021

Written by

Danny Dodd

Travel Curator

Achieving what matters by going slow

Long journeys encompass a slow approach to travel. The destinations that can be achieved in a week might instead be experienced in four. Spellbinding accommodations make perfect home offices, family spaces or launchpads to explore the local areas and their plentiful secrets. Following the events of 2020, global awareness has migrated further towards health and wellbeing and we see that travel will change permanently. People seek restoration, reconnection and refocus.

We all strive to find new meaning in the new normal and travelling slow is the perfect way to take stock, be self-aware and blossom again. Slow travel means fewer travel days and longer stays, being in one place long enough to make meaningful connections and conversations, absorbing and understanding the culture. Slow travel is time for personal awareness: tuning into your own feelings, redefining and setting new goals, feeling peace, clearing brain fog, invigorating the mind and establishing what matters in a new normal. Essentially, slow travel is the perfect way to find 'Kos' (pronounced “koose” like moose) and exactly what we need right now.


Norway; the Land of 'Kos'

Norway is the land of ‘kos’. Kos is a truly special, yet intangible concept that is uniquely Norwegian. Kos is a state of mind, a feeling that can be felt alone or with others. It is peace. It is being grateful and appreciating what you have around you. You might be in the forest with the sun on your face and the only person for miles around, you might be sinking into an oversized sofa with your favourite wool jumper and a wood-fire roaring while a storm rolls in, you might be savouring dinner with your family overlooking a fjord. It is the art of consciously appreciating what is happening.

For those who see (travel) opportunities where others see obstacles

The logistical challenges of the pandemic have made way for a shift towards remote working. For many of us - as long as we have an internet connection and a laptop - our offices can be anywhere. You can attend a conference while overlooking the rugged coastlines of northern Norway, or hold a design seminar on a tiny island in the radiant light of the midnight sun. Whatever it is you wish to accomplish, an Up Norway journey will guarantee you peace; not just peace and quiet but peace of mind which we are sure will help improve your focus, creativity and output.

If you’re lucky enough to be retired and fit to explore, you can set your own pace and do things on your terms. You might frequent the same cafe to the point the staff know your order or watch the drama of Norway’s seasons unfold in front of your eyes. Spend time with loved ones; perhaps that loved one is a new arrival and you want to spend time together as a new family, or maybe you want to reconnect with people whose distances have been magnified by travel bans and safety. Regardless of your reason, we’ll seek to make you flourish through purposeful travel.

Regenerated perspectives

After the pandemic denied us the freedom to travel, our next destination isn’t just the next one on a list. It is a purposeful choice where we will seek to bloom and become vibrant again. The Austrian philosopher Ludvig Wittgensten embarked on a transformative journey to Norway in the summer of 1913. The scenic Norwegian landscape allowed him to delve deep into his philosophical concepts and it eventually laid the foundation for his groundbreaking writings. Slow travel can allow you to truly relax the shoulders, breathe deep and unwind. A period of regeneration is not only tonic for the mind and soul but creates a mindstate where one might regenerate perspectives. Our 'Hop on the Arctic Circle Express Train' journey is truly a show of how slow travel is back in fashion.


Spending an extended period in a destination gives more time for the surroundings to become more natural, allowing the senses to pick up on sensations not present at first, which in turn allows for a deep cultural immersion into your surroundings. All of the factors above melt together to a more transformative travel experience. For many of us at times the effects of the pandemic have led to feelings of languishing; a sense of stagnation and emptiness. We want to help our guests spring clean their souls, by spending extended time in a place because you truly yearn to be. Many of us might have already found our meaning but almost everyone after a pandemic will need reminding of it.

Why Norway?

Norway is a perfect arena to rediscover lost emotions. A safe spot with good governance and top-notch health care, low population density, sumptuous yet varied local foods, excellent standards of living and a focus on sustainable luxury (fresh air and scenic views over 5 stars and designer labels) are all key factors. Couple this with varying seasons, world-beating scenery under arctic sunsets and northern lights and you have the perfect home away from home, where the locals speak English and are waiting to make your acquaintance.


Why Up Norway?

Having locals on your side who not only know the area but preach the ethos of transformative experiences is even greater. Kos’ heightened sense of awareness and gratitude is what we want to deliver to our guests over an extended period of time. Whilst it is uniquely Norwegian, it is for everyone and we want you to discover it, practice it, then take it home with you and tell your friends.

This is why we’ve put together an adventure that spans the length of the country and incorporates many of the key elements synonymous with Norway - breathtaking scenery and arctic light, traditional food culture paired with nordic gastronomy, a rich and forward-thinking culture, and our best people as hosts. We’ve handpicked places and people because we want you to thrive. We’ve been where we want to take you, and we know the people who will welcome you as their guests.

Our curators will combine this with journey stops based on your unique interests and preferences to help you make the most of your travels. You might prefer a complete itinerary ready for your arrival. Or simply want to start with a one way ticket, be off-plan and follow your internal compass in a more flexible travel style, and that’s fine. We’ll be there if the feeling takes you to fill a day with adventure or even if you just have a question. An Up Norway journey is all about Up-graded experiences.

Up Norway Long Journeys

We’ve created a journey where you can experience Kos in four incredible, diverse locations each more remote than the last. Long journey can be tailored to your preferred travel season, interests and preferences.


Experiencing what matters by going slow

Since moving to Norway from the UK in 2016, Danny has truly learned to appreciate Norway as the land of 'kos' - a truly special, yet intangible concept.

We all strive to find new meaning in the new normal and for Danny travelling slow is the perfect way to take stock, embrace 'kos' and appreciate what is around him.

Danny Dodd

Travel Curator

Find slow inspiration

Tailor your own 'Kos'. Come on Up!


Tailor your own 'Kos'. Come on Up!

As local experts and travel curators, we'd love to tailor your holiday escape. Just answer five simple questions so we'll know where to start.